目前分類:TOEFL (8)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

    vast (a) 廣闊的, 大量的

字源: waste

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 intensity (n) 強烈; 強度
字源: in – in + -tens- to stretch
英解: great energy of emotion, thought, or activity

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cut about
1) 亂切 亂砍
ex. In order to keep the balance of nature we must not cut about the trees.

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close down
1) (工廠 公司 商店等)倒閉 停業
ex. The stationer has closed down for 2 weeks.

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take after
1) (面貌 性格方面)像(自己的父母等)
ex. The little girl takes after her mother in appearance.

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    consensus (n) 同意, 一致
字源: con- together + -sens- feeling
英解: general agreement among most of the people in a group

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晨間新聞  http://www.icrt.com.tw/en/eznews_am.php
晚間新聞  http://www.icrt.com.tw/en/eznews_pm.php
還蠻不錯的  有mp3可以下載而且也有文章

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聽起來比較 “順”,同時學到的單字也比較實用,可用在日常生活當中。

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